venting – The Darker Hours | A Nude Art Project appreciating black women. Wed, 22 Apr 2020 14:08:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 venting – The Darker Hours | A Nude Art Project 32 32 the art, the artist Sun, 19 Apr 2020 14:58:18 +0000 Hi, the name is Jelani Le’Bourne, this is my art. Currently listening to Godspeed by Frank Ocean while I vent, so you know my words may come accross more saturated than usual. I don’t write as often as I should, on the list of things this quarantine thing has taught me. Btw, how do you feel about it? How has it affected you? Do you still feel the need to be outside? How have you adapted to “home”? For me not being able to go out and shoot is an interesting challenge as I try to find new avenues to create. It’s brought me back to old times when I used to chill, listen to music, write, watch naruto, research, sith through a myriade of knowledge seekeers on quora. It’s good. It’s necessary for me, can’t speak for you.


So you’re here to find out more about the art, maybe the artist. Here’s a little story;

I was never interested in photography much less nude photography. I always thought nudity itself was interesting though, always tried to visualize a world where everyone walked around naked. We wouldn’t know how to judge would we? It’s hard to judge others when you’re naked too, right? That analogy in my head sort of sparked the idea. So about a year ago I started this nude photography project, clueless at the time, I acted on impulse, on inspiration. I hit up a few of my model friends and a few liked the idea, few thought it was crazy. We did the first photoshoot, won’t lie I was nervous, I didn’t know what the fuck I was about to accomplish with this.

I actually didn’t know how I would continue after that. I tried to analyze the feedback, negative and positive, sidenote; alot of you don’t know how much your feedback matters to us as creators. Alot of people thought it was porn, made sense too I mean no one had really ever done something like that before, in St.Lucia. I liked it thought, alot of people doubted the idea. I think this is what pushed me to really send a message. This is when I came up with the concept of Seasons, originally it was supposed to follow the seasons of the year and create a mood based on the season but eventually, I decided that I would create concepts for each season, each concept would portray a different aspect of the message I was trying to send.

I proceeded with Season 2, Season 2 was expressive. I wanted to create an indoor mood, something cozy, sensual. Something that would challenge perspectives. I can’t say that it was perfectly executed, I mean I was still very new to nude photography. My lighting could’ve been better, poses, editing but I do believe that Season 2 captured the essence of what I was trying to do. At this point the project was very “sexy”, I wanted to step outside the box. Season 3, went outdoors. Season 3 (also the season that I recently completed), the first Season where I believe that I sent a solid message, with proper execution, amazing models, the right locations & stories that would help the audience to understand the message.


So here’s the concept,

Mother Nature. The female body is alot like Mother Nature, there’s a reason it’s called Mother Nature. I do believe that nature itself is female, the curves of nature, the elements, the unpredictability. If you look at a woman’s body now, it’s alot like the hills & valleys, 

the curves of nature. I wanted to place women, nude, all their curves exposed, all their insecurities exposed, against that of nature. I am most proud of this Season and the women who trusted me with the idea and embraced themselves enough to be a part of this, everything that was posted, every photoshoot that I did told the story. People started to message me with their own breakdowns of the pictures, people wanted to write for the page, people wanted to understand more. That is what I wanted and I got it.

Now, Season 4. Season 4 is totally different.I can’t give it all away but it will include Men & Women. Thank you so much for supporting this project of mine & I hope that in some way it has helped you open your mind a bit. To women, I hope it’s helping you appreciate your bodies more, you skin, your insecurities and impurities. My brothers, hope this is helping you appreciate your women more, for many many reasons, a woman who is able to embrace her beauty like this is a powerful woman. 





